Sometimes, you may wish to override the default scale. To change the scale of a “data node”, select it by clicking its icon, and choose the “Scale…” command in the “Set” submenu of the “Gallery” menu. As a result, the “Scale…” dialog box appears. In the “Scale start” and “Scale interval” fields you see the current scale for the data node. To change the scale, simply enter new scale values into these fields. To help you find a satisfactory scale, the dialog box also displays the minimum and maximum values for the data node. If you want the plot to show the full range of values for the data node, you should make sure that the “Scale start” is less than or equal to the minimum value for the data node, and that the “Scale stop” is greater than or equal to the maximum value for the data node. Note, however, that you do not have to choose the scale such that the full range of values for the data node appears inside the plot. In many situations you can improve the plot by leaving out parts of the tails, and thus focus more on the central part of the distribution. The fields displaying the minimum and maximum values for the data node, are in fact “buttons”. If you click the “Min. value” field, DynRisk inserts the minimum value of the data node into the “Scale start” field. If you click the “Max. value” field, DynRisk adjusts the “Scale interval” field such that the “Scale stop” equals the “Max. value”. Thus, if you first click the “Min. value” fields and then click the “Max. value” field, the resulting scale is the minimal scale showing the full range of values. The dialog box also contains a button called “Suggest”. Clicking this button replaces the current scale by the default scale. When you are satisfied with the scale, click the “OK” button. Alternatively, if you want to leave the scale as it was before, you click the “Cancel” button.